EY cuts 3,000 jobs in US blaming ‘overcapacity’
The decision comes days after the firm called off a radical restructuring.
Anger as prepayment energy meter force-fittings to be allowed again
Campaigners criticise new rules over which homes can be forcibly switched to a prepayment energy meter.
Retiring landlords risk fuelling rental shortage
Investors with buy-to-let mortgages are retiring but new landlords are not replacing them.
Angry Birds: Sega agrees to buy video game maker Rovio
Japanese gaming giant Sega will pay £625m for Rovio to "strengthen its position" in gaming.
How artificial intelligence is matching drugs to patients
Health-tech firms around the world are increasingly using AI to help tailor drugs for patients.
Business confidence up sharply at biggest firms
Sentiment is rebounding as concerns about energy prices and Brexit ease.
Greener flights will cost more, says industry
Demand for air travel will be hit as decarbonisation drives up ticket prices, says industry.
Scrap all existing smart motorways, says AA
It comes after government cancels plans to build more stretches of road without permanent hard shoulders.
Amazon strike: Hundreds of workers in Coventry walk out in pay dispute
GMB members walked out at 06:30 BST on Sunday and will strike until Tuesday, the union says.
US savers get savvy ditching and switching banks
A wave of transfers is hitting US banks, adding another wrinkle to challenges facing the financial system.